May 29, 2020

Why is a 5-Year-Old Running the Most Powerful Computer Ever Created?

By Brian Gregory
Creator of The ADMANITY® Protocol

By Brian Gregory

Creator of The ADMANITY Protocol

You’re reading this with your fully logical and fully-conscious, rational mind. Oddly, you’ll decide if you like what you read, emotionally – using your illogical, subconscious, irrational mind. Your subconscious mind is roughly equivalent in maturity to a 5-year-old. Even more amazing, that inner-child at the helm will perhaps shape your entire life more than any other factor. 

It’s easy to see why, when you compare the two. Your conscious mind can process about 100 bits of information per second. Estimates for the subconscious computation rate? Anywhere from a billion to a trillion bits per second.  That’s FAST! The subconscious mind is arguably the most powerful super-computer on Earth, and you already own one – free of charge. It works 24 hours a day, every day without a break and stores everything you’ve ever experienced, seen, learned or felt. Its capacity is perhaps limitless and some speculate its power is incomprehensible to the very conscious mind that we might ask to analyze it. 

Amazingly, your subconscious mind, with the maturity of a 5-year-old, has no ability to determine fact from fiction or right from wrong. It believes everything it perceives, sees everything in the present tense, loves repetition and doesn’t care at all about logical thinking. It speaks a language of visuals, emotional feelings and constantly compares everything to everything that it already knows. If its full power could be unleashed, you would be the most intellectually adept person to ever walk the planet by the age of 5, and yet you’d still believe in Santa Claus. 

The subconscious mind also makes people buy everything on the planet.  

Any business would be wise to speak the language of the subconscious when trying to sell something. That will always be the language of emotions. Only emotions make you decide to do – well, just about everything. People buy emotionally – 100% of the time. The rational mind, the mind that you are using to read this doesn’t really decide much. It can organize, sort, prioritize, process, eliminate and take in data from the 5 senses. The subconscious is the mind that makes the decision – and that decision will always be the result of an emotional trigger. 

The nice thing about these triggers is they seem to be very formulaic. That means they work over and over. Our decisions are more of an emotional reaction rather than the result of a deep, analytical thought process. It just happens. Then, after the decision is made, our conscious mind announces to the world what the subconscious just did. Like it or not, your powers of deduction pale in comparison to your powers of emotional reaction. 

To prove it – watch a horror movie. 

Have you ever watched a horror movie? You see the teenagers go into the boathouse in the secluded mountain cabin. You see axes and cutting tools on the walls. The music turns sinister. They’re in big trouble. You can see the bad guy waiting for them in the darkness. They’re heading right towards him! You know what’s going to happen next, right?  The bad guy is going to jump out and try to kill them. So if you know that…if you’ve seen this scenario a hundred times…if you know he’s going to strike – why do you still jump when he does? Your popcorn goes flying all over because your subconscious mind was fully-engaged.  It has the mind of a 5-year old and believes the movie is actually happening. It believes what it sees, no matter how many times it sees it. It has no ability to distinguish fantasy from reality, fact from fiction and sees everything in the present. 

Now, because the subconscious child actually is the faster mind, it sees the bad guy strike a split second before your conscious mind sees it. Your subconscious gets scared and you jump. You react. Your conscious mind quickly steps in and says, “Relax – it’s just a movie,” because it knows better. It was just too late to do anything to help your subconscious inner-child from being scared. You became instantly emotional, tossed your popcorn and screamed. It will be this way your entire life. Your subconscious is intuitively faster, but more emotional. Your conscious mind is a bit slower but more rational. The two minds work together as indispensable partners to guide you through this thing called life. Having subconscious emotions, such as fear triggering faster probably helped humanity survive in our primal past. When danger strikes, every nanosecond counts. 

When it comes to advertising and marketing, the emotional, subconscious mind holds all the purse strings. That’s why everything we teach at ADMANITY is emotionally-based and emotionally triggered. If your conscious mind could talk, it would say, “I think we should create emotional ads to make more sales…but subconsciously, you already knew that.”



You can’t sell your brand to the world until you know what attracts the world to your brand.

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